Saturday, March 24, 2012

LAD #36

President Truman created the Truman Doctrine in an address to Congress in regards to issues in the Baltic Peninsula.  Greece and Turkey were the only non Marxist countries in Eastern Europe, but they were struggling. Truman urged Congress to provide Greece and Turkey with whatever military and financial aid they need to ensure they do not fall to communism.  Britain could no longer provide aid for these countries and America wanted to make sure that they did not fall to the Soviet Union.  This was one of America's first attempts of containment, as Truman said that it was our duty to protect those fighting for freedom.  Truman concluded by saying if they falter in leadership it could disrupt peace in the world and endanger the welfare of the country

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


On February 19,1942, President FDR issued executive order 9066 which gave the Secretary of War the power to relocate anybody he felt necessary in order to win the war by declaring zoned military zones

. This led to the relocation of Japanese Americans into concentration camps.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

LAD #34

December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy are the famous words that made FDR's declaration of war so memorable.  In his declaration of war he stated that the United States had tried to keep relations with Japan peaceful and were given a message from Japan an hour before the attack that gave no intentions of war from Japan. He said given the proximity of Hawaii it is doubtless that this attack had been planned for days, if not weeks.  He also said that Japan attacked several other Pacific Islands, which means they have no intentions of stopping expanding their empire.  He said that the United States will not rest until it can ensure the safety of its proud citizens.

Monday, March 5, 2012

LAD #33

President Franklin D. Roosevelt took over the presidency of the United States in 1933 during the Great Depression.  In his first inaugural address he asked the country to stay as calm and composed as possible, telling the people that "We have nothing to fear but fear itself".  He addresses the financial and material struggles that America was having at the time, but he also reminds them that they still have much to be thankful for.  He tells them that America's wealth should not lie in the material possessions but in their determination, integrity, and hard work.  He says that the number one priority is to get people working again as unemployment was over 25%.  He also says that banks need to be regulated and that speculation with other's money must be ended.  He concludes by saying that persistence and dedication will cause the United States to get through the Depression however rough it may be.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

LAD #32

The Kellogg Briand Peace Pact was signed in Paris in 1928 by several of the most powerful countries in the world, as well as many smaller countries.  The terms of this treaty stated that no country would use war as a means to settle any dispute and that for now on everything would be settled peacefully.  The United States were placed in charge of sending copies to all the present countries and in charge of notifying other countries of their ratification.